Your Body Keeps Score! - Unhealed Trauma Making You Feel Lost, Addicted, Stressed | Dr. Bessel

Download my FREE Habit Change Guide HERE: Find out about the Three Question Journal here Download my FREE Breathing Guide HERE: Today’s returning guest is Dr Bessel van der Kolk. Bessel is a professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine and President of the Trauma Research Foundation. He’s also the author of the iconic book, ’The Body Keeps the Score’, which first came out over 10 years ago and has sold millions of copies all around the world. In fact, the book has been somewhat of an international sensation and is as popular today as it ever has been. In this conve...rsation, we discuss the meaning of trauma and how it’s different from stress. Bessel shares common signs of trauma and describes how traumatic experiences leave a physical imprint in our bodies, which can contribute to a variety of physical and mental health problems. Interestingly, despite his extensive work with patients who
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