Ray Brassier | Session 1: Final Repression: Adorno and Marcuse on the Antinomy of Progress

Study Group with Ray Brassier | Final Repression & Reproduction, Presupposition and Struggle Link to blog post with readings and additional info: Moderated by: Dan Hogman Video: Shaum Mehra Programmer and Organizer: Sepideh Majidi Session-1 Final Repression: Adorno and Marcuse on the Antinomy of Progress Capitalist ideologues equate progress with technological advancement. Anticapitalists retort that this advancement serves only the accumulation of capital, whose cost is exploitation and immiseration. The identification of progress with the domination of nature provokes the counter-identification of nature with non-domination, which becomes antithetical to progress. At one pole, progressives identify civilization with freedom from nature; at the other, primitivists identify nature with freedom fr
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