Tai Chi Qigong 18 Form (Shi Ba Shi) 太極氣功十八式 with Vivien Chao
#taichi #qigong #qigongforbeginners #morningmeditation #traditionalchinesemedicine
Tai Chi Qigong 18 Form (Shi Ba Shi) 太極氣功十八式 (完整版)養生氣功
1. 起勢調息 - Commencing Form — 0:00
2. 開闊胸懷 - Opening the Heart — 01:24
3. 揮舞彩虹 - Painting the Rainbow — 02:47
4. 輪臂分雲 - Parting the Clouds — 04:08
5. 定步倒卷肱 - Repulse Monkey — 05:30
6. 湖心划船 - Rowing the Boat — 07:30
7. 肩前扥球 - Casting All Your Care Upon the Divine — 09:12
8. 轉體望月 - Gazing at the Moon — 10:50
9. 轉腰推掌 - Pushing Palms — 12:29
10. 馬步雲手 - Cloud Hands — 14:47
11.L 撈海觀天 - Becoming