Picoclick-C3 is the most advanced ESP32 based IOT button | makermoekoe
The Picoclicks have become my favorite project. And now - the masterpiece of them is finally born!
This video is sponsored by PCBWay. Get your own prototyping PCBs starting at 5$ here:
Material of the transparent Picoclick cases is UTR-8100 (transparent).
0:34 Picoclick journey - from simple dashbuttons to this gem!
2:51 Designing and assembling the Picoclick PCB
6:08 Extension port of the device
6:40 Ways of powering the Picoclick
8:00 Power measuring of the button
8:22 Best way of using Picoclicks
9:25 Using the extension port with other I2C devices
11:08 First extension board for the C3
12:39 Having fun with the motion sensor
13:08 Transparent resin printed Picoclick cases
From dashsbuttons to the final ESP32-C3 based Picoclick-C3. A long road of designing, testing and optimizing this device has reached an end.
The Picoclicks are WiFi connected buttons for the internet of things. They can send messages which perform different actions in your smart home or the world wide web. But the Picoclick-C3 has become more than just an IOT-button. Due to its extension port it can be used as a tiny development board. It can communicate with other I2C devices like shown in the video, but the external GPIOs can be used in several different ways. More over this Picoclick can be activate by an external source (and not the button itself) which implies tons of new possibilities.
The extension boards for the Picoclick can be very useful. I’ve only showed one of them in this video, but two others are already in the lab and five more are already designed and ready for production. What extension board do you think of? Which useful application can be added to this tiny device? Write your suggestions in the comments below! :)
The Picoclick-C3 and few extension boards are now available in my shop:
This project is available on my GitHub:
I’m currently creating a GitBook for the Picoclick-C3 but it is not yet completed:
My DIY Stencil-Jig has a video as well:
The video about the Picoclick-C3T:
ESPNOW explanation video of Espressif:
If you wanna support me and my work (Thank you so much!!):
1 view
1 year ago 00:14:20 1
Picoclick-C3 is the most advanced ESP32 based IOT button | makermoekoe
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Extension boards for the ESP32 based Picoclick-C3 | makermoekoe