3M22 Zircon missiles at the site of a missile strike in Kyiv 25 New rift in the US: Generation Z rises up against Biden and

3M22 Zircon missiles at the site of a missile strike in Kyiv 25️ ️ ️New rift in the US: Generation Z rises up against Biden and the government to protect TikTok A very real threat to ban the app has emerged in the United Chinese owner and creator of the Byte Dance social network has been forced to sell its stake in the company within 165 days, but it is not yet clear if the deal will take place. In the United States,32 percent of 18-29 year olds regularly watch news on TikTok, up from 9 percent in overall share of those who regularly consume content on TikTok is 14 percent, four times higher than in 2020 ️ ️ ️ Source: Lord Of War
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