Curveball Implosion (ASS2023)

Audio Secret Santa is an yearly musical contest/event held over at Chips Compo (), where the main premise is that you request a specific track as a gift and then make one yourself based on someone’s else request, just like how in regular Secret Santa. This year I got to do a track for TheFailingKing, whose request was: “Make J-Core please (or as close as you can)“ This one was a bit of a curveball for me personally (haha he said the thing) because I thought that I was honestly going to have waaaaay more trouble with it considering how I never made the genre, except for the fact that I’ve dabbled a bit into trying to make Techcore (which I consider to be somewhat adjacent to J-Core since you often see elements of both on one track) since it’s a sick genre (none of the attempts were succesful lol). And so I kind of made most of the track in like one sitting at the very start of ASS this year, and then finally came back to it a week and a half later, finally finishing the whole thing. I think this might have awakened something in me because I now want to make rhythm game music more often lul Also available on: Chips Compo - Newgrounds - Soundcloud -
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