Stand dedicated to the surrender of Germany in World War II at Panorama Museum Battle of Stalingrad

A stand dedicated to the unconditional surrender of Germany in World War II in the outdoor exhibition in front of the Museum of the Panorama of the Battle of Stalingrad in the city of Volgograd. The Act of Germany’s Unconditional Surrender in World War II was signed on May 7 at 02:41 (CET) by the Chief of Operations of the High Command of the German Army, Colonel General Jodl. The capitulation was accepted from the USSR - the representative of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command under the command of the Allies, Major General Susloparov, from the Anglo-American side - Lieutenant General of the US Army, Chief of the General Staff of the Allied Expeditionary Forces Smith. The act was also signed by the representative of France, Brigadier General Sevez, as a witness. Stalin was outraged by the signing of the capitulation at Reims, in which the Western allies played a leading role. He refused to recognize this act, demanding a new signing in Berlin taken by the Red Army and asking the Allies not to make official announcements of victory until the surrender took effect, that is, until May 9. The latter request was denied by both Churchill and Truman, but the Allies agreed to hold a re-signing ceremony in Berlin. The final act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst in the building of the officers’ club of the former military engineering school of the Wehrmacht on the night of May 8-9. On behalf of the German side, the act was signed by Field Marshal General, Chief of the Wehrmacht High Command Keitel, Luftwaffe representative Colonel General Stumpf and Kriegsmarine representative Admiral von Friedeburg. The unconditional surrender was accepted by Marshal Zhukov (from the Soviet side) and the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Expeditionary Forces, Marshal Tedder (Great Britain). General Spaats (USA) and General de Latre de Tassigny (France) put their signatures as witnesses. The physical signing of the document took place around 1:00 on May 9, but at the request of the Allies, the act was dated May 8 to match the Reims Act, already publicly announced by Western leaders. 德国在第二次世界大战中无条件投降的法案于 5 月 7 日 02:41(欧洲中部时间)由德国陆军最高司令部作战部长 Jodl 上将签署。苏联接受了投降 - 盟军最高司令部司令部代表苏斯洛帕罗夫少将,英美方面 - 美国陆军中将,总参谋长盟军远征军史密斯。该法案还由法国代表塞韦斯准将作为证人签署。 斯大林对在兰斯签署投降协议感到愤怒,在该协议中西方盟友发挥了主导作用。他拒绝承认这一行为,要求红军在柏林进行新的签约,并要求盟军在投降生效之前,即在 5 月 9 日之前,不要正式宣布胜利。 丘吉尔和杜鲁门都拒绝了后者的要求,但盟军同意在柏林举行重新签字仪式。 德国无条件投降的最后协议于 5 月 8 日至 9 日晚在柏林郊区卡尔斯霍斯特 (Karlshorst) 的前国防军军事工程学校军官俱乐部大楼内签署。该法案由陆军元帅、国防军最高司令部司令凯特尔、德国空军代表斯坦普夫上将和德国海军代表冯弗里德堡海军上将代表德方签署。 朱可夫元帅(苏联方面)和盟军远征军副总司令泰德元帅(英国)接受了无条件投降。 Spaats 将军(美国)和 de Latre de Tassigny 将军(法国)作为证人签名。该文件于 5 月 9 日凌晨 1 点左右进行了实际签署,但应盟国的要求,该法案的日期为 5 月 8 日,以匹配西方领导人已经公开宣布的兰斯法案。 第二次世界大戦におけるドイツの無条件降伏法は、5月7日02:41(CET)に、ドイツ軍の最高司令部長であるヨードル大佐によって署名されました。ソ連(連合国の指揮下にある最高司令部の代表、英米側からのススロパロフ少佐)からの降伏が受け入れられた-米陸軍中尉、参謀総長連合国遠征軍スミス。この法律はまた、証人としてフランスの代表であるセベス准将によって署名された。 スターリンは、西側の同盟国が主導的な役割を果たしたランスでの降伏の署名に憤慨した。彼はこの行為を認めることを拒否し、赤軍がベルリンで新たに署名することを要求し、降伏が発効するまで、つまり5月9日ま
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