Naked licorice blooms Nacktes Sholz blht лакрица солодка

Licorice, or licorice naked, or smooth licorice, or licorice is a perennial herb of the legume family. Licorice is widely used as a medicinal plant, food plant, and also as a technical plant as a foaming agent. Licorice preparations have an expectorant, emollient and enveloping effect. It grows in temperate and warm regions of Europe, Asia and North Africa. The medicinal use of licorice is mentioned in the ancient monument of Chinese medicine “Treatise on Herbs.“ Chinese doctors classified licorice root as a first class drug and tried to include it in all medicinal mixtures. In Tibet, licorice roots were believed to “promote longevity and better function of the six senses.“ The roots of the plant were widely used in Assyria and Sumer, from where they were borrowed by the doctors of Ancient Egypt. Roots and rhizomes have medicinal value. They are a part of drugs recommended for diseases of the upper respiratory tract as an expectorant, emollient, anti-inflammatory, as part of diuretic and laxative preparations, as an antacid and enveloping for hyperacid gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer (“Likviriton“, “Flacarbin“) bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, allergic and occupational dermatitis, eczema (“Glycyram“), rheumatism, gout, hemorrhoids. Licorice powder is also used in pharmaceutical practice as a base for pills and to improve the taste and odor of drugs. Good honey plant and perganos. The roots and rhizomes of the plant in the food industry are used in the form of extracts, syrups, as a sugar substitute and foaming agent in soft drinks, beer, kvass, tonic drinks; for better whipping of egg whites. On the basis of licorice, candies of various varieties with a characteristic taste are produced, in particular, assorted licorice. The plant is used for making coffee, cocoa, marinades, compotes, jelly, flour products, halva, caramel, marshmallow and chocolate; and also as a flavoring additive when processing fish, when pickling cabbage, soaking apples and lingonberries, as an additive to long tea and green tea; in Kyrgyzstan - as a surrogate for tea, in Japan - as a food antioxidant additive, in Japan and Egypt - among the components of additives with bactericidal and fungicidal properties to food and drinks. Excessive consumption of licorice can lead to adverse effects such as hypokalemia, high blood pressure, and muscle weakness. Liquorice should not be used during pregnancy. 甘草,或裸甘草,或光滑甘草,或甘草为豆科多年生草本植物。甘草被广泛用作药用植物、食用植物,也用作起泡剂的技术植物。甘草制剂具有祛痰、润肤和包膜作用。生长在欧洲、亚洲和北非的温带和温暖地区。 甘草的药用在中医古碑《本草论》中有记载。中国医生将甘草列为一级药物,并试图将其纳入所有药用混合物中。在西藏,甘草根被认为“延年益寿,改善六感”。这种植物的根在亚述和苏美尔被广泛使用,古埃及的医生从那里借来了它们。 根和根茎有药用价值。它们是推荐用于上呼吸道疾病的药物的一部分,作为祛痰剂、润肤剂、抗炎剂,作为利尿剂和泻药制剂的一部分,作为抗酸剂和包膜治疗胃酸过多、胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡(“Likviriton”, “Flacarbin”)支气管哮喘、神经性皮炎、过敏性和职业性皮炎、湿疹(“甘氨酸”)、风湿病、痛风、痔疮。甘草粉还用于制药实践,作为药丸的基础并改善药物的味道和气味。 好的蜂蜜植物和 perganos。 该植物的根和根茎在食品工业中以提取物、糖浆的形式使用,作为软饮料、啤酒、克瓦斯、滋补饮料中的糖替代品和发泡剂;为了更好地搅打蛋白。 在甘草的基础上,生产出各种口味独特的糖果,特别是什锦甘草。 该植物用于制作咖啡、可可、腌泡汁、蜜饯、果冻、面粉制品、半乳糖、焦糖、棉花糖和巧克力;也可在加工鱼类、酸洗白菜、浸泡苹果和越橘时作为调味添加剂,作为长茶和绿茶的添加剂;在吉尔吉斯斯坦 - 作为茶的替代品,在日本 - 作为食品抗氧化添加剂,在日本和埃及 - 是对食品和饮料具有杀菌和杀菌特性的添加剂成分之一。 过量食用甘草会导致低钾血症、高血压和肌肉无力等不良反应。怀孕期间不应使用甘草。 甘草、または裸の甘草、または滑らかな甘草、または甘草は、マメ科の多年草です。甘草は、薬用植物、食品用植物として、また発泡剤
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