UNORTHODOX but HISTORICAL ways to hold a European longsword!

Chapters: 0:00 - 0:59 - Intro 1:00 - 1:27 - Fingering the Guard 1:28 - 1:49 - Thumb Grip 1:50 - 2:33 - Half-swording 2:34 - 3:21 - Mordhau/Mordstreich/Mordschlag 3:22 - 3:43 - Two-handed Inverted Grip on the Blade 3:44 - 4:13 - One-Handed Inverted Grip on the Strong 4:14 - 5:26 - Reverse Grip 5:27 - 5:56 - The John Clements Master Grip of Doom 5:57 - 6:45 - Guard and Blade Inverted Grip 6:46 - 7:21 - Defense against a Spear Throw 7:22 - 7:37 - Shooting the Spear Over The Sword 7:38 - 7:49 - Posta Sagittaria 7:50 - 9:01 - Arms Crossed Half-Swording 9:02 - 9:47 - Reverse Couched Guard and Grip ...Hold 9:48 - 10:55 - Under the Left Arm Hold 10:56 - 12:14 - Mair’s Unicorn 12:15 - 13:58 - Bicorno 13:59 - 14:40 - End ========================================================== FACEBOOK L’Arte Lehigh Valley on Facebook ========================================================== AMAZON My book “Introduction to Historical European Martial Arts“ on Amazon! Shirts! ========================================================== Bardcore Music by Middle Ages on Youtube ========================================================== Birthday banner background video template effect music kinemaster editing New #Cinematic Intro bg HD Video Background VBHD0296, Background Images, Background Loops, Background Motion ========================================================== #swordfighting #hema #historicaleuropeanmartialarts #combatsports #medieval #renaissance #medievalhistory #renaissance #history
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