Dajjal’s Ultimatum: Accept Him as god or Be Eliminated - What Will You Do?
Secret Formula for Protection from Dajjal (Man of Deceit) and his Tyrancy of End Times
Video Chapters :
00:00 Islam is teaching us to run to the Cave of Mercy to be safe from the Dajjal
02:00 In that Cave of Mercy all your affairs will be settled in rightly guidane
03:55 How to find that Cave? Be with those already in its refuge and accompany them
05:17 These Companions of the Cave their hearing is sealed – only for Allah (AJ)
07:42 Be loyal like the dog when these Companions will test you
08:53 Seal your ears/listen and obey to the Ulul Amr (saints) who are the Rabs/Authorities of the Heavens and Earth to be safe from Dajjal
14:50 The 7 Sleepers were only a placeholder for the 7 Wazirs of Imam Mahdi (as)
16:16 Every reality below the Muhammadan Reality was only a placeholder
17:38 How Satan is systemically destroying the hearing of people in last days so they never reach to these realities and guidance
19:27 True guidance is coming from the heart, not social media. Accompany and connect your heart to the Ulul Amr
22:22 Don’t let satan take your ears by hearing the complaints of people, only listen to the Heavens through Ulul Amr
23:53 The Sun which moves the Sleepers of the Cave is a symbol of Prophet ﷺ
25:36 The sunshine of that sun is a symbol of the gaze and lights of Prophet ﷺ
27:46 The Sleepers left and right is by movement of the sun – direction of Prophet ﷺ
30:32 If you reach to the hands of these Ulul Amr/Waliyyun Murshid then you’ve been granted true guidance
32:08 These Ulul Amr teach you how to enter heart of Prophet ﷺ
Recorded : 20230824
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9 months ago 00:34:32 1
Dajjal’s Ultimatum: Accept Him as god or Be Eliminated - What Will You Do?