Music is arranged, mixed and mastered in Reason 11.
Video is produced in Power Director (including fx and glitches). A fireplace is recorded by the GoPro MAX.
Illustration by Ilona Iske
This Tale has three parts intro and final. Parts are separated by free improvisational four ’’entr’acte’’ episodes. [intro - e - I - e - II - e - III - e - final] Musically be ready for a combination of different styles.
The main idea of this piece is focused around a campfire and a storyteller. You (alone or with someone) are listening a scary stories close to the campfire in a night forest.
Besides the electronic samples and kontakt libraries, there are two recorded instruments: kalimba & clarinet. By the way, I used some fx sounds from Morrowind video game: moaning of a Silt Strider, Molag Amur monsters, campfire sound. (Hope Bethesda, who owns all the rights, will not restrict this video because of this :) )
Special regards to a talented Dutch illustrator Ilona
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