SCP-3426 │ Reckoner │ Keter │ ZK-λ-Class Cosmic Fragmentation Scenario

My Patreon -► Source -► Author -► “Modulum“ - Buy my Merch? -► All of my links! -► ╾╾╾ ►! Artwork Credit !◄ ╾╾╾ ►! Video Info !◄ SCP-3426 │ Reckoner │ Keter │ ZK-λ-Class Cosmic Fragmentation Scenario Item #: SCP-3426 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Until the nature of SCP-3426 can be definitively ascertained, containment should focus on preventing as many of the theorized conditions for its occurrence as possible. As such, scientific progress into a unified physics hypothesis and the creation of in
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