Roland PD-108/128 Trigger Cone Replacement

The trigger cone & mesh head is worn and the trigger performance is not as good anymore. It leads to hotspotting and inconsistent triggering. Find V-drum Tips on: ✭ Facebook: ✭ Webpage: The trigger cone & mesh head is worn and the trigger performance is not as good anymore. It leads to hotspotting and inconsistent triggering. Parts & Tools: Roland Mesh Head: Trigger Cone (# 01909478): Tama TW100 Tension Watch: Evans DABK Drill Bit Key: This video applies to the following drum pads: Roland PD-100 Roland PD-105 Roland PD-108 Roland PD-120 Roland PD-125 Roland PD-128 Roland PDX-100 Roland PD-80 Roland PD-85 -------------- roland mesh heads roland mesh head tension roland mesh head replacement roland mesh head drum kit roland mesh
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