Excerpt of a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Original talk:
Excerpt highlighted by US 21 meditation days (Day1)
As soon as you become the Spirit, you just give up all those things that are destructive for us, automatically. No pressures are needed, no warning is needed, nothing of the kind, automatically, because the spirit is the light, you get your enlightenment. Supposing I am holding a snake in my hand, and it’s not light. Somebody tells me it’s a snake, I’ll say, “No, it’s a rope, I am holding on to a rope.” But when there is a light, I just drop it. In a simple way, nobody has to tell Me, I see the light and this drops out. In the same way, you are an enlightened person. You can make out what is truth and what is untruth.
For example, you see someone, even from Indian jails, some people who have just come out of jails, they don’t know what to do with themselves. So they walk out with saffron clothes to Germany, maybe to Australia also, and they become great babajis here. Now these great babajis sit on some of the important places in the city and everybody is surrounding them, giving them money, giving them their lives, you see, all big talk of love going on and everything. Is he a realized soul or not? How will you find out? You don’t know whether he’s a realized soul or not because you are not at an absolute point. You are still in a relative understanding. Because this person is wearing this kind of a dress, is sitting very quietly there, so he must be a babajii.
You cannot recognize a person, whether a person is true or not. You can’t recognize Me, either, whether I am telling you the truth or not. Unless and until you become that absolute being, you cannot make it out. Then what happens, that when the kundalini rises and pierces through your fontanel bone area, then you also start feeling on your fingertips – these fingertips are nothing but the sympathetic nervous system centers, which are indicative of the truth. If the person has got cool wind or cool breeze coming from that person, then he is a real one. If he doesn’t have, then he is not. There are many persons who claim to be great, but they are not. Ultimately, we find out and we are shocked the way they are.
In this country now, we have certain problems. In this whole world, we have problems; problems of atom bomb: every day you are hearing about this problem and that problem, all created by human beings! Imagine, intelligent, such good people have created problems for themselves: killing each other, preparing bombs and things like that; protecting each other – I mean, no animal does that. Only human beings are trying to protect themselves from each other. They’re all the time worried who is going to attack them; not sure of themselves. The reason is they haven’t reached that state of absoluteness. The time has come now, the time has come for you either to take to constructive working out of the problem, or the destructive. By discussions, by arguments, by anything you are not going to achieve anything unless and until there’s a complete transformation in the human mind. And transformation is only possible when you become the Spirit, because Spirit is the universal being within you. And you become collectively conscious – means, you start universally feeling. You just start feeling another person on your fingertips. And if you know how to correct it, you have corrected that person.
This knowledge becomes your own. This is one of the powers I have described to you that you feel the collective consciousness within yourself.
Whatever you achieve in your evolution is a living process. It is not a dead process, it’s a living process by which your central nervous system can feel what is around you, what is within you.
The second power that you get is that you can raise the kundalini of another person like one enlightened light can enlighten another person. But we cannot deal with people who are nasty, who are superficial, who are stupid, it’s not meant for them.
Now the third power one gets is this, that a person becomes absolutely dynamic. He works very hard. He never feels tired. He can do things which he has never done before. I know of somebody who has never done anything artistic. Suddenly, he started painting.
Apart from that, you develop a special feeling of oneness with others who are realized souls. Friendship and fraternity are such a rare quality that you have never seen such people! Even those people who go to fight in the war and all that, they don’t have that love and that pure understanding and pure relationship that you find among the people who are Realized souls.
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