Thanks for the 30K! We’d be nothing without you!
This song, also called the Kreuzlied (“Song of the Cross“) was written shortly before the 5th Crusade by German poet Walther von der Vogelweide.
It has more stanzas, but I was unable to find a full version.
And before the usual suspects show up to bark and claim they won:
I’d actually be ashamed, because it took you 200 years to fully expel a bunch of Europeans who were unfamiliar with the desert, whom you constantly attacked in a very dishonorable way. Are you really proud of being the bane God unleashed upon the world because of our sins?
Nû alrêst lebe ich mir werde,
sît mîn sündic ouge siht
daz here lant und ouch die erde,
der man sô vil êren giht.
ez ist geschehen, des ich ie bat,
ich bin komen an die stat,
dâ got menischlîchen trat.
Schoeniu lant, rîch unde hêre,
swaz ich der noch hân gesehen,