Performance: ‘The Revival of Carving’ – Putian Woodcarving |《非遗里的中国》创新秀演节目《雕·栩》——莆田木雕 | CNODDT

Choreographers: Yang Zhuyun, Zhu Yin, Wan Sisi Composer: Ji Peng Arranger: Ji Peng Pipa: Wang Jing Guzheng: Wang Xiaoqian Bamboo Flute & Xiao (a vertical end-blown flute): Chen Yuzhuo Performance: Symphony Orchestra, Chinese Folk Music Troupe and Dance Troupeof CNODDT Putian woodcarving has been passed down for more than a thousand years in East China’s Fujian province, dating back to the Tang and Song Dynasties (618-907 and 960-1279) . Inspired by the craft’s complex structures and multi-layer designs, “The Revival of Carving“ brings to life this intangible cultural heritage via a lively performance by CNODDT artists. This performance is an excerpt from the CCTV cultural program “Intangible Cultural Heritages of China“ which revives Chinese intangible cultural heritages through innovative, aesthetic and immersive performances. 编导:杨竹韵 朱寅 万思思 作曲:吉鹏 编配:吉鹏 琵琶:王婧 古筝:王晓倩 笛箫:陈钰琢 演奏:中国歌剧舞剧院交响乐团 民族乐团 演出:中国歌剧舞剧院舞剧团 兴于唐宋,盛于明清;精微透雕,纤毫毕现。非物质文化遗产莆田木雕,传承千年之技艺,于微尘中展现大千世界。 创新秀演节目《雕·栩》结构繁复,多层巧思的木雕世界好似百变舞台,中国歌剧舞剧院的舞者们在其间翩然起舞。细腻刀工雕刻出的山海与舞蹈艺术相得益彰,充满无限生机。 该作品选自中央广播电视总台大型文化节目《非遗里的中国》,在一舞一曲中阐释中国非遗的创新成果、历史底蕴、中国智慧、东方美学,带领观众体验传统非遗的“活化”绽放。 Follow us! Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Dancing China YouTube: @dancingchina2232 TikTok: @cnoddt_dancingchina #Dance #Choreography #Dancer #ChineseDance #ChineseMusic #Hanfu #PerformingArts #DancingChina #CNODDT #中国歌剧舞剧院 #ChinaArt #ChineseCulture #China #Theater
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