Dragi Zmijanac, MA - Advocacy and Children’s Rights Defender
As one of the founders and the President of the First Children’s Embassy in the World - Megjashi, Mr. Dragi Zmijanac possesses unparalleled experience in advocating for children’s rights over the course of three decades. He is widely recognized for his tireless dedication and significant contributions in the field, solidifying the organization as the most trusted civil organization (CO) in Macedonia, according to public survey results.
Dragi Zmijanac is a prominent media figure, addressing issues related to child protection and children’s rights in the public sphere, leaving an indelible mark on promoting a safer and more compassionate world for the younger generation.
in 2010, he was a candidate for membership in the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, nominated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia. His expertise extends to the development and implementation of policies aimed at improving the conditions of children’s rights and their well-being.
He is a member of national commissions and bodies dedicated to child protection and children’s rights, such was the National Governmental Commission for Children’s Rights. In the current period, he is a member of the National Coordinating Body for the Protection of Children against Abuse and Neglect, contributing to the preparation of the National Plan for Children’s Rights.
For an extended period, Dragi Zmijanac has worked as a trainer on children’s rights, advocacy, lobbying, and peace education. He is a prominent media figure, addressing issues related to child protection and children’s rights in the public sphere, leaving an indelible mark on promoting a safer and more compassionate world for the younger generation.
1 year ago 00:03:48 1
Dragi Zmijanac President First Children Embassy in the World Megjashi IC “Create Your Place to Grow“
1 year ago 00:03:47 45
Dragi Zmijanac, President, the First Children Embassy in the World Megjashi IC “Create Your Place to Grow“
1 year ago 00:01:00 30
Dragi Zmijanac, MA - Advocacy and Childrens Right
2 years ago 00:02:01 1
Reagon ambasada “Megjashi” për keqpërdorimin e të miturës nga Tetova
3 years ago 00:11:29 20
30 vite Megjashi, Organizata e parë për të drejtat e fëmijëve në Botë
3 years ago 00:17:29 23
3 years ago 00:11:38 1
Children with face masks at school,adults without face masks in cafesor
4 years ago 00:27:42 47
4 years ago 00:44:11 1
Заедничко и oдгoвoрнo родителство по развод ТУНЕЛ
4 years ago 00:09:36 7
Dragi Zmijanac Macedonian childrens rights activist, Presentation of the Alternative Report of the NGOs
4 years ago 00:09:56 4
Dragi Zmijanac, Presentation of the Alternative Report of the NGOs on the State of Children’s Rights in Macedonia
4 years ago 00:02:17 1
ANGEL OF THE YEAR 2008 SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL AWARD to Dragi Zmijanac Serata Angelo dell Anno 2008
4 years ago 00:03:22 38
Отворен или затворен регистар за осудени педофили
6 years ago 00:02:04 11
Megjashi In the Assembly of Macedonia, from 582 asked questions, only 53 are concerning children’s rights.
6 years ago 00:05:42 216
Sexual Abuse of Children in Macedonia - Education and Prevention,
6 years ago 00:53:52 28
ЈасноИГласно Кога ќе дишеме чист воздух
6 years ago 00:02:32 33
Convincingly the first place in Europe, fifth in the world - air pollution makes Macedonia “glorious”
6 years ago 00:01:46 3
Протест против изградба на деветокатница кај „Мајчин дом“ во Аеродром
7 years ago 00:02:13 1
Dragi Zmijanac: There are no data about child labor abuse in Macedonia.
7 years ago 01:11:56 8
Топ Тема На Ваша Страна_ Злоупотреба на децата згрижени во државните домови за деца ()
7 years ago 00:13:43 8
Колку деца фантоми има во Македонија и каква судбина ги чека нив во иднина?
7 years ago 00:01:22 10
Драги Змијанац: Во Макeдонија има околу 3000 нерегисрирани деца
7 years ago 00:01:23 1
Dragi Zmijanac: Në Maqedoni ka rreth 3000 fëmijë të pa regjistruar
7 years ago 00:28:11 566
Why there is no one to deal with the pedophiles Зoштo немa кoј дa се зaнимaвa сo педoфилите