Hankido demonstration by Myung Jae-nam kuksanim (old VHS tape)
An old VHS tape of Hankido’s founder Myung Jae-nam kuksanim. This video was shot in the early 1990’s at a Korean martial arts festival in South-Korea. Hankido is a Korean martial art that applies circular movements to neutralize the attack and convert that attack where the defender can actually use that energy of the attack.
Hankido is one of the three HKD’s taught by the International HKD Federation in Korea. The other two HKD’s are hankumdo and hapkido.
Myung Jae-nam kuksanim passed away in 1999. In this
3 years ago 00:03:46 11
Hankido demonstration 1995
4 years ago 00:02:34 6
Hankido shoulder throw ( 어깨투법응용, 한기도8번 )
4 years ago 00:01:11 4
Hankido winter training
5 years ago 00:14:46 18
Hankido demonstration by Myung Jae-nam kuksanim (old VHS tape)
8 years ago 00:02:07 2
04: inside & outside kick (안다리 바깥다리 차기)
8 years ago 00:04:21 6
03: Heel high kick (뒤꿈치차올리기)
8 years ago 00:02:26 12
08: Jeonhwanbeop (전환법)
11 years ago 00:01:36 34
[상무관] Overview of Hankido techniques
12 years ago 00:12:56 42
Hankido-Hapkido demonstration of Korean team in Russia, Moscow. 2009 - Part 2