Macropharyngodon bipartitus in a reef aquarium

Now it time for one of the most coloured species in an aquarium – the Blue Star Leopard Wrasse -Macropharyngodon bipartitus, The trade name is from the colour pattern of the male and in the middle of the video you can see one specimen in the transition phase from juvenile to adult male, This suppose to be a very sensitive species but that not my experiences - I lost my male but that was of other reasons than sensitivity. My female has been with me for nearly 4.5 years now. However, it looks like it is a bad survive in prophylactic QT. It is easily stressed and seems to have low tolerance against drugs and chemicals. If it should be in quarantine – I recommend only observation in a fully decorated QT. Because it will be easily stressed it is important that it will be well adapted to the tank before introduced to other fish. I always have my newcomers in my refugium for a week or three – they start to eat; they smell the same and they will be more confident with themselves. If you use QT – do WC with water from the display tank. Macropharyngodon bipartitus – The genus Macropharyngodon - Sincerely Lasse
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