Pink Chalcopyrite Alchemy - Elevate Your Consciousness with Transformative Frequencies

Pink Chalcopyrite spiritual properties: - Elevate Your Consciousness - Assist in spiritual awakening and enlightenment - Bring balance and harmony - Stimulate intuition - Enhance telepathy - Heal ALL the chakras - Open Third Eye Healing Frequency 1111 Hz Phone speakers are ok to use I create relaxing music that encapsulates the metaphysical properties of crystals, transmuting it into a healing frequency. These therapeutic tones provide a sound bath experience, promoting relaxation and inner peace. It is meant for those who want to sleep, meditate, relax or study/work while raising their vibration. Enjoy 20 minutes of ambiant sounds. I recommend to meditate to it. Thanks for listening. Thanks for listening. #healingfrequency #spiritualmusic #soundbath
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