● I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
● so usually I’m very picky about my videos but with this I am truly happy. I had a bit of a rough time chosing the right couple for this incredibly beautiful song but once I saw these two with the song in the background it just felt right. to me it has a very bittersweet, nostalgic, longing feeling to it (I love those kinds of songs!!)
I spent two days on this and tried to make every detail look perfect.
please let me know if you like it...
● the song inspirat
2 months ago 01:41:51 1
The Son of Monte Cristo (1940) Swords Flash in the Night! Romance Rides With Danger!
2 months ago 00:55:02 1
ZFE : la bombe à retardement sociale - Qui pourra encore rouler demain ?