【瞬間】熱海市の住民が撮影した土石流の動画 【landslide】

静岡県 #熱海市 であった大規模な #土石流 から1カ月が経った。あの日、何が起きたのか。住民らが撮影した動画で被害の実相をたどる。 #landslide #japan #disaster Landslide hit high-risk area of Atami built on volcanic ash ATAMI, Shizuoka Prefecture--The disaster that befell this seaside resort town was an accident waiting to happen, say experts citing the steep mountainside on which it is built and poor soil quality due to huge ancient deposits of volcanic ash. Heavy rains that battered the area since July 1 exacerbated an already precarious situation, resulting in a massive mudslide Jul
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