スカイラインジャパン Skyline Japan Kaido Racer 族車が街道爆走!Souki Rude Playerz

Steve was on a drive on the outskirts of Tokyo when he heard the curious sound of a Japanese classic car.. That car is a Nissan Skyline Japan C210 and it is owned and customized by “Souki;“ a member of Japan’s lowrider club Homies and a musician with the EDM unit called “Rude Playerz.“ Steve tracks Souki down and after checking out his car collection is offered a ride inside this classic Kaido Racer Old School Japanese custom car! 今回スティーブはドライブ中にとんでもないスカイライン・ジャパンの改造車を見かけて思わず声をかけます。そして車のオーナーのソーキさんはRude Pl
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