OTEP reads her retort on Climate Change

Otep responds to naysayers of Climate Change and human impact on the environment. Read along below: .................................................. Kennedy is a jackass. Some of you might remember her as a VJ (whatever that is / no it isn’t an STD though if it were, she’d still be one) on MTV way back in the glory days when MTV actually mattered. She’s been on Bill Maher’s show, she does whatever on Reason blah, er blog. She’s a psuedo-conservative-libertarian whiner who thinks that just because she speaks over everyone, people will assume she’s more intelligent. Well, Kennedy, we don’t because it only makes you louder which just amplies your innate levels of obnoxious. But I digress ... She’s been filling in on a conservative talk radio show here in Los Angeles (640 AM) spewing the usual meat-head talking points: our government is a socialist monster, immigrants are bad, poor people are to blame (for everything), yada blah blu
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