Watercress Smoothie For Fast Menopause Relief (How to Relieve Hot Flashes Naturally)

How to relieve hot flashes naturally. Watercress is loaded in nutrients. Gram for gram it has more calcium than milk and more Vitamin C than oranges. It has Vitamin K, B Vitamins and more. This simple smoothie is great for relieving mood swings and hot flashes. It is also great for your bones. The recipe is below 👇 VEA ESTE VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL - SUBSCRIBE HERE! - Share, like and comment. Follow me : Twitter : Facebook : Instagram : Watercress Smoothie Recipe - 1 handful of watercress with stems -- washed thoroughly 1 small handful of parsley -- stems removed -- washed thoroughly 1/4 c...ucumber -- peeled 1/2 small apple -- cored 1 cup filtered water Place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This smoothie does not last for too long so try and drink it within 24 hours. You can have it everyday if you would like. It will not only help with your menopause symptoms, it will help fortify your bones and it will help with constipation.
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