Étienne Marcel - Galkin Sergei and Udio

Song about the great medieval French statesman Étienne Marcel Песня о великом средневековом французском государственном деятеле Этьене Марселе. Lyrics In Paris fair, where legends bloom, Étienne Marcel met his doom, A tale of strife, a rebel’s spark, Against the crown, he left his mark. A mayor bold, for justice prayed, To shield the people, unafraid, But envy’s hand, with treacherous might, Struck him down in the dead of night. At Porte Saint-Antoine’s gate he fell, His spirit strong, his courage swell, The Jacquerie wept in sorrow, For their leader lost tomorrow. Oh, brave Étienne, martyr true, Your voice still echoes, strong and new, In hearts of those who dare to fight, For freedom’s dawn, for truth’s light. So let us heed his call this day, To rise against injustice’s sway, In memory of Étienne’s tale, Let justice prevail, never frail. May his legacy for
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