(11 Sep 1995) English/Nat NATO warplanes continued their attacks on the Bosnian Serbs Monday with a raid on their self-styled capital Pale. Local residents reacted angrily to the NATO raids saying they were unjustified and did nothing to help a peaceful resolution of the conflict. People living in the Bosnian Serb enclave of Pale near Sarajevo are getting used to the sound of the air raid sirens and no longer rushing for cover. Today’s activity followed yesterday’s cruise missile attack which was launched from a U-S warship in the Adriatic Sea, and aimed at Bosnian Serb anti-aircraft sites. Bosnian Serbs, however, claim civilians were killed and wounded in the NATO cruise missiles attacks. It was the first time NATO has fired cruise missiles in the effort to force Bosnia’s Serbs to withdraw their heavy weapons from around Sarajevo. The latest raids angered the civilian population in Pale. SOUNDBITE: I think that the NATO bombings are unjustified and that the only thing that they can achieve by this is traumatisation of the civilian population which isn’t really responsible for anything that is going on, and that’s it, they won’t achieve anything that’s going to be achieved by these means. They keep talking peace but this doesn’t appear to me a peaceful resolution to any situation. SUPER CAPTION: Serb civilian While talks elsewhere continue to fail to produce any agreement on how to achieve peace, the residents of Pale try to get on with their daily lives as best they can. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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