Little Girl sings EASY ON ME One Year Later w/Vocal Coach

Learn more: _______________________________ One year ago, my student Isabella learned EASY ON ME by Adele in one of my favorite carpool lessons of all time! She was just beginning her vocal training and learning her technique, and in one year, she has learned and grown into an amazing young singer! I wanted to do this before and after reveal to show singers just how much they can grow and improve in a year! I know it gets hard sometimes singers, but don’t give up! I promise you, you will get better and the best is yet to come! Thanks, Isabella, for sharing your journey with us and enjoying t...he video! Use coupon code EASY for an extra $10 off all my online singing courses today! _______________________________ Love to sing? Want to learn to sing? Always wanted to sing? Scared to sing? Join my online singing course today! Can’t wait to be your coach! ____________________
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