This video was made for all fans and supporters of Elena Mukhina all over the world. In this video, you will see the interaction between Elena and her fans. Videos and photos were less common in the old days, so they are very precious. Thank you for your support!
Lara’s Theme (Piano Version) (from Doctor Zhivago) - Original soundtrack from Elena’s floor exercise
00:00 1977 European Gymnastics Championships in Prague (No.8) - Full Twisting Double Back
00:08 1977 USSR Cup in Minsk ()
00:16 1978 World Gymnastics Championships in Strasbourg ()
00:37 1978 USSR Gymnastics Championships i
...n Chelyabinsk
00:43 Another photo of Elena signing autograph for fans
00:51 Elena’s autograph signed in 1979
00:54 The silver medal of the Olympic Order was attributed to Gymnastics World Champion Elena Mukhina for her courage against paralysis since 1980.
01:00 A thank you card with Elena’s handwriting for Mr Samaranch, the former President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) after Elena’s injury
01:08 Elena’s beloved grandmother and Mr Samaranch
01:11 Recent photo of Elena’s grave taken on the 1st of June, 2022, Wednesday, at the Troekourov Cemetery in Moscow (Photo Credit: Ksenia)
01:20 1977 European Gymnastics Championships in Prague (No.8)
P.S. I’ve just realized that the photos of Elena with her little fans are missing in this video. You can find those photos in another video of this channel:
Great Gymnast World Champion Elena Mukhina Елена Мухина (1960-2006) - Happy Mother’s Day
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