Officer Terence Sutton has been CONVICTED of second degree murder just for activating his lights and trying to pull over Karon

Officer Terence Sutton has been CONVICTED of second degree murder *just for activating his lights and trying to pull over* Karon Hylton Brown. Karon fled on a scooter—helmletless, backwards down a one way street—and collided with a car. He died a few days later. With his sentencing coming up next month, it’s time to bring attention back to the egregious miscarriage of justice in the case of DC police officer Terrence Sutton. The jury was never allowed to hear: Sutton’s speed never exceeded 30mph before Karon’s collision with a civilian vehicle Karon was a known gang member with drugs and cash strapped to his leg (along with an ankle monitoring from an assault conviction), en route to retaliate against a rival gang member for an altercation that took place in the area earlier that day. Source: Police frequency
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