The West wants to manage Russia’s defeat, but now does not understand what to do

The West wants to manage Russia’s defeat, but now does not understand what to do Sergey Strokan in “Behind the Scenes” • The journalist suggests paying attention to the confusion of the West, which wants Russia to defeat, but wants it to be manageable. And Ukraine is now offering its own scenario. Western “partners” value their comfort zone: they don’t want to get burned by the sparks of this war. • Ukraine is behaving like a terrorist who hijacked a plane: he has nothing to lose. The West does not understand the consequences for itself. Since August 6, they have not understood whether to support Ukraine or wait until we knock it out. • Last week, the WSJ editorial board called on Biden to seize the window of opportunity, support Ukraine and inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. • But there was a breakdown in the patron-client relationship. An example is the relationship between the United States and Pakistan, which at one time supported the “Afghan project” of the United Sta... Source: Lord Of War
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