Improve Your English Vocabulary: SHAPES

Полный каталог видеоуроков Все самое полезное для изучения английского смотрите в сообществе (Визуальный английский) We often use shapes to describe things. Common shapes include squares, circles, and triangles. In this lesson, we are going to look at a few other shapes that may be less commonly-used and more accurate. Some shapes may be a combination of other shapes. A cone, for example, is more or less a combination of a circle and a triangle. Some shapes are named after a particular object, like egg shape, cigar shape, and sphere. I will also teach you how to describe things using the adjective of the shape name. For example, we use circular for something that is in the shape of a circle. Lastly, we will go over some 3D shapes, as well as textures. This vocabulary lesson will be very useful to you in everyday life when describing things. Watch the video, and then complete the quiz to verify your understanding
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