Stephen Stapleton & Tony Wakeford - Our Lady of the White Flowers

Revenge of the Selfish Shellfish (1992) Originally released by Tursa (UK) in 1992, “Revenge of the Selfish Shellfish“ was the first, full-length collaboration between Steven Stapleton and Tony Wakeford. Consisting of an eerie, yet beautiful, combination of songs and surreal locales, “Shellfish“ remains a unique landmark with qualities not easily found in either Nurse With Wound or Sol Invictus discography. Evoking a strong sense of narrative, such as Wakeford’s vocals on “Lucifer Before Sunrise“ and the perpetual, tape-music panorama of Stapleton’s “The Frightened City“, the listener is transported to ominous and quite unexpected destinations. Accordingly, these compositions often blur the line between distant dreams and foreboding reality. __________________________________________
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