Alison Balsom | Sound The Trumpet | Eternal Source of Light Divine

’Sound The Trumpet’ - The new album from Alison Balsom available here: Alison Balsom is the world’s preeminent female classical trumpeter. She is a unique and independent artist who has broken through to the mainstream whilst retaining her integrity and core musical values. Exceptional talent, a glamorous stage presence and a witty and engaging personality make Alison one of the most exciting artists in the core classical world today. Sound the Trumpet is an album of glorious baroque music associated with royalty where Alison brings the music of the Purcell and Handel to life. Until this ...point, there have been no really top notch natural trumpet albums by international trumpeters on the market. This disc expands the repertoire for the instrument, whilst also maintaining a respect for the idioms and period style of these works. Alison is working with the top experts in this field - Trevor Pinnock and the English Concert. She is also j
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