the doox & Jaroslaw Dżuś — CZUMAĆKA • The Tchoomak Song • Чумацька ©2019

Tchoomaks • Chumaks • Čumaki • Czumaki • Чумаки — Ukrainian ox-cart drivers, traders, merchants which travelled to Crimea and to other places for salt, fishes, etc. They existed from the XV century to the middle of the XIX century in the lands of the Great Steppe in the south-east part of Ukraine. • • • • the doox — is UA band, creates music in the folk-rock, world music styles, combining the ancient Ukrainian folklore with modern electronic and rock-style tunes. Their repertoire comprises the songs from ethnological field trips and the records of traditional music from the Wołyń, Riwne, Kyiw, Połtava and others regions. The musicians try to combine ethnic sounds and melodies from all over the world, playing a variety of wind instruments of Ukraine and abroad.
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