PaidaLajin for Oilfield Workers in Northwest China

In 2009, Mr. Hongchi Xiao went on his “journey to self-healing“, bringing PaidaLajin (slapping and stretching exercises) to PetroChina oilfield workers and their families in Taklimakan Desert in Xinjiang, northwest China. The attendees were enthusiatic about PaidaLajin, and they found the self-healing method amazing. Mr. Xiao also shared his insights into the real causes of diseases and how to lead a healthy life. 2009年,萧宏慈老师来到新疆,向库尔勒塔里木油田公司的员工和家属分享拍打拉筋自愈法。现场气氛热烈,自愈效果明显。萧老师在云游途中分享了对人得病的成因和对ī
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