SWAT RoundUp International 2011 Highlights | GDI Mounts

Video and photo highlights from the 29th annual SWAT RoundUp International in Orlando, Florida. The SRI combines education training seminar head-to-head competition, and trade show into one major event. SWAT RoundUp International 2011 | SWAT RoundUp International | SWAT RoundUp International Video Highlights | GDI | GDI Mounts | GDI Engineering | Global Defense Initiatives | Marksman Grade Engineered Solutions | Sight Mounts | Sight Mount | Sights Mount | Sights Mounts | Optics Mounts | Optic Mounts | Optics Mount | Optic Mount | GDI Site | GDI Scope Mount | Best Gun Scope Mounts | Best Gun Mount | Best Gun Mounts | Mounting Systems | Best Mounting Systems | Scope Mount Base | Military Rifle Scope Mount | Best Rifle Scope Mounts | Best Firearm Accessories | Best Tactical Accessories | Aimpoint Sight Mount | Trijicon Optic Mount | Best Red Dot Sight Mounts | Best Reflex Sight Mounts | ACOG Mount | ACOG Gun Mount
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