The six-part crime drama series, created by Mia Ylönen and Aleksi Bardy, takes you behind the curtain of thehidden world of high class art-fraud and explores the reality of navigating a double identity. The series is led by Sannah Nedergård (Yellow Sulphur Sky) as Finnish art fraud investigator Emma / Annika, marking her first leading role in a drama series.
The SkyShowtime Original stars Ardalan Esmaili (Easy Money) as Rasmus Ståhlgren, Eva Melander (Border) as Rina Olander and Helena Bergström (House of Angels) as Agatha Torstensson, along with Pekka Strang (Tom of Finland) as Raimo Korpi, Clarisse Lhoni-Botte (Rolling to You) as Béatrice Joly and Charles Martins (Emily in Paris) as Denver Carpentier. The series is directed by Finnish director AJ Annila(Peacemaker). Codename: Annika will launch on the service in September.
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1 year ago 00:01:27 1
Codename: Annika | Streaming 30 September | Only on SkyShowtime