Nanoloop 1 x 2 x Mono : Minimal Chillwave // GameBoy DMG, GameBoy Color & GameBoy Advance Chiptune
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I’ve wanted to sync three GameBoys for a while now, each with their own copy of Nanoloop, and then try to get a little jam going. It’s not the most exciting techno set ever, but I am pretty happy with the result. The NL Mono produces some deep bass, and the NL 2 has quite lush sounding chord possibilities. Especially when run through the Strymon TimeLine. But I need to put a little more time into the OG Nanoloop, because I am having a hard time getting very interesting sounds from it...
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My favorite lens (55mm 1.8)
2nd favorite lens (28mm 2.0)
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Elektron Octatrack MKII https: