Julio Farid Wang with international dance friends from all over the world 2020

Time flies so fast, we are now in June 2020! The coronavirus pandemic has changed our lives in a variety of ways including the way we interact. I, who used to travel a lot teaching from place to place, have been greatly impacted. Nevertheless, this does not stop me from connecting with my international friends. We did this special video project with the intention to spread our love and passion across the world. We hope to make use of this video to express that our life is still full of hope and it is not uncommon to encounter ups and downs in our whole journey, just like the 4 seasons, coping with different weather conditions; Experiencing heat and cold make us better people. My sincere thanks to my super amazing international friends who participated in this mini project: Hope you guys enjoy it! Follow them 🙂 时光飞逝, 转眼已经6月 这次疫情改变了我们一贯的生活模式, 人与人的互动方式都变了许多。我一向习惯四处游走教学,上半年基本上所有计划都无法实行,对我影响甚大。虽然如此,我还是跟我世界各地朋友保持连系。我制作了一个视频,与我的各地的朋友联手一起传达正面信息,希望大家不要忘记对未来的期盼,面对现在的困难要以平常心去对待。人生就好像春夏秋冬,循环不息,只有经历好坏才会成就更好的我们。 趁这机会感谢参与这次制作的好朋友: Rabia Kim - South Korea / 南韓 Maia Bell - UK / Poland / 英國 / 波蘭 Gift Rongrong @Bellysister - Thailand 泰国 Nutnicha Vongdavis @Bellysister - Thailand 泰国 Xuannie Lim - Malaysia 马来西亚 Yannes Ng - Hong Kong 香港 --------------------------- Rosario Danza - Argentina 阿根廷 Khalil Khalil - Egypt 埃及 Ekaterina Solpanova - Russia 俄罗斯 Serkan Tutar - Turkey 土耳奇 Howeida Vernarlis - Germany 德国 Lou Pradas - Belgium 比利时 --------------------------------- Viktoriya Gubka - Ukraine 乌克兰 Silvana Hasna - Cyprus 塞浦路斯 Martina Tellini - Italy 意大利 Carmen Bel - Spain 西班牙 -------------------------- Zoe Chan - Hong Kong 香港 Ozgen Ozgec - UK / (Turkish) 英国/ 土耳奇 Melyss - UK / Malaysia 英国/马来西亚 Pablo Acosta - Argentina 阿根廷 Ariel Khalih - Brazil 巴西
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