Andres SEGOVIA remembered polish pianist, composer, music teacher Ignaz FRIEDMAN

Andres Segovia talks with Nina Walder about polish pianist, composer, music teacher Ignaz FRIEDMAN Andres Segovia • Ignaz Friedman • and Artur Rubinstein in Argentina! •-ignaz-friedman-•-and-artur-rubinstein-in-argentina/ In Argentina, Friedman toured with Andres Segovia, who was eleven years younger: the two were fast friends. Segovia recalled: “ [Friedman’s itinerary] was fuller than mine because it encompassed Brazil and Chile and I was simply engaged for Buenos Aires, other large towns and in Uruguay only Montevideo. So he went twice to Chile, twice to Brazil. I had to go to Mendoza and knew that Friedman was going to play there, not a public concert, but a private one in the most exclusive casino in Mendoza. I attended his concert at this special aristocratic club. Naturally the public gathered there was not musical, an audience of rich people who had nothing to do with music and I remember something very funny. During
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