Утренняя йога для гибкости и силы. 14 упражнений.

1. Let’s begin with the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar), repeat this 6 times. This is to warm up the whole body before continuing with asanas. 2. Leg Raises: These are also simple exercise that prepare for the asanas, and it strengthens the abdominal and lower back muscles. 3. The headstand: Sirshasana, it is one of the most powerful beneficial pose for both body and mind. I did some variations here. It is important to rest in child pose until body is fully relaxed both before and after this pose. 4. Shoulderstand : Sarvangasana, The plough: halasana, and the bridge : Sethu Bandhasana. They are very good for giving flexibility to the spine and the neck and arms while releasing tension. 5. The fish: Matsyasana, it is the counterpose to the shoulderstand and must always be practiced after it. 6. The forward bend: Paschimothanasana: This is good for trimming the waist, restoring elasticity to the spine, and stretching the hamstrings. 7. The inclined plane: This strengthens the
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