基本剑法 Basic Sword Techniques

Basic swordsmanship includes stab, point, split, pick, hang, block, pick, cut, cloud, tag along, wipe, clamp, support, stir, etc. When you master the basic technique, you will be able to practice the sword routine with ease and grace and improve whole body coordination. 基本剑法 基本剑法包括刺,点,劈,撩,挂,拦,挑,截,云,带,抹,架,托,绞等。 只要掌握住剑的攻防作用及基本剑法,配以手,眼,身,法,步,即能把剑练得自如,潇洒,灵活。 剑为百兵之君,隋唐
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