Eric Gales - Crystal vision (full album) 2006

© TO THE OWNERS AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: I want to clarify that all the music used in the uploaded videos belongs to their respective owners: my channel does not monetize and it is not my intention to violate copyright, but if the copyright holders (label or musicians) want one of my videos to be removed, first to take any action, please contact me (via comments or personal messages) so that I can delete it immediately. ***** When there is a black guitarist playing blues rock it is always tempting to dismiss him with “the usual Hendrix clone“, but Eric Gales is a true artist and not a sterile copy, even though he also sounds left-handed. His first solo album was released in 1991 and since then he has returned regularly to give us pearls of blues rock. Of course the similarities between the two are many, because Eric Gales plays with a charge that seems inherited from the greatest guitarist of the last century: powerful and dirty blues, which tastes of sweat and pure energy, played with
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