✰)Title:終焉の輝き (A Shimmer of Demise)
✰)Circle:幽閉カタルシス (Yuuhei Catharsis)
✰)Album:終焉の輝き (A Shimmer of Demise)
✰)Original Song/Source:
Navy Base in Autumn / Combined Fleet Collection
✰)Composer:宇佐美宏 (Hiroshi Usami) & 岡宮道生 (Michio Okamiya)
✰)Lyrics:かませ虎 (kamase-tora)
✰)Release Date:Dec 29, 2014
✰)Event:Comiket 87
I don’t own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing!