Leather Care Made Easy | Carr & Day & Martin

Leather gradually looses moisture over time that can cause it to become tight and stiff and eventually cause cracks. Regular maintenance ensures your leather stays hydrated to preserve its condition for years to come. ⭐Belvoir Step 1 Tack Cleaner Effectively cleans leather; removing dirt, grease and sweat with ease. No need to scrub before conditioning any more. Step 1 gently lifts ingrained grease, sweat and dirt to enable you to wipe off dirt easily. The pH neutral formula will not rot stitching or over dry the leather. Belvoir Tack Cleaner hygienically cleans saddlery, leaving the perfect surface for the immediate application of a conditioning soap or oil. Application Spray directly onto leather and wipe clean. For ingrained grease leave in contact for 5 minutes. If mould is present, make sure cloth is not re-used and it disposed of, away from leather items. ⭐Belvoir Step-2 Tack Conditioner Softens, preserves and shines saddlery leather. Made from the original re
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