Tajik sagi dahmarda that was lost one year ago

This flock was walking from mountains of Varzob region to Shahrituz region in the South of Tajikistan. The old white and black colored dog was lost on the way one year ago in the persuit of a bitch in heat. After one year shepherds have met him in one of the villages and after an argument with the new owner they took him back. The shepherd said he tied him up with the rope because he does not want to loose him again. This video was created by Alikhon & Latif Latifi with the help of Saifullo Mavlonov. We are very thankful for all Tajik shepherds for their hard work that they doing and keep alive our legendary sheep and dog breeds. Опять же учащаются встречи с “собратьями“ из числа волкодавов из других отар, которые практически следуют одна за другой, на небольшом расстоянии, а так же волкодавов из находящихся вдоль дороги селений и кишлаков. Проход отары через кишлак превращается в грандиозное событие, как для жителей глубинки, так и для местных собак. Если для населения это повод
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