Light code activation rainbow diamond platinum gold ray and crystalline light Joanne Tracey ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™

Rainbow, diamond, platinum, gold ray and crystalline light activation codes. We have been blessed with many new codes as we anchor and ground our upliftment of our pure core essences, our rememberings and our alignment with high heart love centres with Mother Earth Gaia and all there is, consciously and consistently. She can feel us and she is responding, with our beloved Sun, Sky and all there is we received a gifting of these light codes - all 12 Rays were embodied, grounded and anchored within a 12 hour window of now anew moments. Honoured and grateful to witness. Please release the desire to hold any specific intention. Being open and receptive to what is intended for you, is. You may feel energy centres in your body tingle and activate, try to stay in your heart space and receive. You may feel like your head is expanding, your heart may feel calm and your root chakra may feel very grounded and clear. You may feel refreshed and energised from this activation. Listen to your body, it will gui
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