Dragon age 2 - Hurricane (Fenris & FHawke)

oh first original story with Dragon Age 2 lol Okay this one was really challenging since I messed around with the story A LOT lol. So it’s more like an fiction story and was made to be that way. It could be a bit confusing but it’s really expressing my feelings right now so I couldn’t do otherwise. STORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two couples met while they were chased from Lothering; Hawke/Sebastian and Fenris/Merrill. Unfortunately, Sebastian died before he could get to Kirkw - сайт WDA Наш паблик: Наш канал: Мы (WDA) на tumblr - Мы (Worlddragonage) в Твиттере - Задавай нам свои вопросы и делись секретами на -
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