This year’s 1027 event brings fans exclusive first looks, deep dives, and premium reveals across our most iconic brands: G.I. Joe, Transformers, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, and Marvel Legends. With new product launches and exclusive insights you won’t find anywhere else, this is the ultimate event for Hasbro Pulse Premium members.
Hasbro Pulse Premium Early Shopping Window! The exclusive shopping window opens tomorrow, October 28th at 1:00 pm ET for Hasbro Pulse Premium Members and 2:00 pm ET for all fans. Don’t miss your chance to pre-order these exciting new releases!
Use the chapter markers below to jump directly to your favorite segments:
G.I. Joe
[00:01:48] G.I. Joe Classified Series Segment
[00:02:55] Exclusive Interview with Josh Williamson from Skybound Entertainment
[00:09:19] Product Segment with Emily & Lenny
[00:18:11] Transformers Segment
[00:19:09] Age of the Primes Reveal with Mark
[00:22:27] Studio Series Reveal with Nate and Evan
[00:41:50] Q&A with Yes Have Some Podcast
Star Wars
[01:01:01] Star Wars The Black Series & Star Wars The Vintage Collection Reveals
Marvel Legends
[01:07:17] MCM Recap & Close-up on Marvel Legends Series Marvel’s X-Men ’97 Sentinel
Show Product Recap
[01:25:50] Complete Recap of All Products
#HasbroPulse #Hasbro #GIJoe #GIJoeClassifiedSeries #Transformers #TransformersStudioSeries #Ghostbusters #GhostbustersHasLab #HasLab #StarWars #Marvel #MarvelLegends #MarvelLegendsSeries #ToyCollector #ActionFigures
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Brands: Transformers Generations, Transformers Generations Shattered Glass, Transformers Studio Series, TRANSFORMERS X ROBOSEN, Star Wars The Black Series, Star Wars The Vintage Collection, Star Wars Retro Collection, Marvel Legends Series, Marvel Retro Collection, Marvel X-Men Collection. Indiana Jones Adventure Series, India Jones Retro Collection, Power Rangers Lightning Collection, power Rangers Retro Collection, Power Rangers Zords, Power Rangers Collaborations, G.I. Joe Classified Series, G.I. Joe Retro Collection, G.I. Joe Collaborations, NBA Collection, NFL Collection. Nerf LMTD, Betrayal, HeroQuest, Ghostbusters, Magic The Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons, Fortnite
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